4 Ways Human Resources Can Solve Internal Communication Issues
As an HR rep, your job is to sort out sticky situations. We all know that in the office place most, if not all, issues arise from lacking communication. But thanks to recent developments in the tech space, solving common information issues is simpler than you think. Here are 4 ways to use text messaging for better internal communication:
1. Be transparent across all departments
The bigger your company, the harder it is for Sales to understand what’s going on in Marketing, Accounting to know what changes are going on in Sales. Is Client Services on the same page as IT? Communication amongst departments can get blurry. Even worse, department heads could start playing the blame game when things go really bad. Get past any hopeful thinking that everyone is going to perfectly communicate and send a text update.
- “Reminder: All company meeting tomorrow. Lunch will be served. Bring your own drinks.”
- “Our newest product launches TOMORROW. Prep your teams.”
- “ALERT: the website is down due to tech issues. IT is working on a solution. Update your clients as needed.”
2. FAQs
No matter how easy you make it for employees to access important information, people will always ask you questions you’ve already covered. It wastes your time, wastes the employees time, and might make you a little frustrated after the same question has come across your desk multiple times in one day. Setting up an automated response to some FAQs on a texting platform will save everyone time and keep everyone in the know. Simply have them text in a keyword and let the platform provide questions for which they can select and receive the answer.
- “What are the company holidays this year?”
- “When is payday?”
- “How do I check my PTO?”
3. Give them the option to NOT check their email
How many times have you sent an important email over the weekend or holiday and no one checks it until Monday morning? People don’t like to check their work emails when they’re on their mental break. Send time-sensitive alerts through text. After all, text has a 98% read rate, while email only has a 22% open rate.
- “A pipe burst in our building and our floor is flooded. Do not come into the office Monday. Work from home.”
- “We are changing the company kickball tournament from Tuesday to Monday because of rainy weather. Be sure to come dressed appropriately.”
- “REMINDER: the office is closed Monday for Labor day.”
4. Poll employees
It can be hard to know what your employees really think. Did they like the new caterer? Was the Insurance training beneficial? How do you decide who gets the suite tickets this week? Get feedback efficiently and anonymously by creating a text poll.
- “What’s your favorite caterer? A. Panera B. Chipotle C. Pizza Hut D. Jimmy Johns”
- “What all-company training do you think would be most beneficial?
- Tech B. Insurance C. Expensing “
- “For a chance to win the Basketball tickets this weekend, what color and make of car does our CEO drive?” a. black acura b. white jeep c. red ford
The possibilities don’t end here. Communicating across the office is rarely overdone. What communication issues do you have? Are you ready to see how texting can change things? Contact us here.