August 3, 2022

Auto Response

IRIO has just launched the Auto-Response feature! What that means is now you have an easier way to link your programs together with your TextCommunity solution. With our new Auto-Response solution, you can send out a text message to your subscribers requesting they “Reply Y” to take any sort of action. That action could be to take a survey, live chat, get more information, write a review, or any other text solution IRIO has to offer.

To help you understand the capabilities of the feature, we’ll show you how it works with a TextSurvey scenario.

Auto-Response Survey Campaign Example

First step is ensuring the survey campaign is ready. You’ll need a TextSurvey campaign set up with the questions you want so you can get the feedback you need. Second step is to visit the “Send Message” page. You’ll then want to select “Text Message” and you’ll see above your text box is the Auto-Response feature. Select “Use an Auto-Response Message”

Once you click “Use an Auto-Response Message” you should see one new field appear that request what trigger would you like to activate to send the automated response. While your survey is triggered by a keyword, the auto-response feature allows it to be something much shorter like “Y” to increase the chances of conversion.

You’ll also see a drop down selection for which campaign you would like to select. In this case, it would be the survey campaign you’ve set up.

Once this is done you can adjust your message around the auto-response trigger, select your recipients, and then start the survey campaign!

Once the message is sent, and your subscribers fill out the survey, you’ll see the real-time results in the IRIO platform.

And that’s it! The Auto-Response solution is a great tool that helps link your TextCommunity solution to the wide variety of solutions IRIO has to offer, TextSurvey being one of them.

Let us know if you have any questions or if you’d like your TextCommunity solution to link up with another text solution. Our team will be happy to help!