Combine Multiple Channels
SMS and email are powerful marketing and sales channels that often require separate platforms to utilize. Now, you can streamline your efforts and combine the two channels in the same workflow.
- Increase engagement by 10x by adding SMS to your workflows
- Improve brand authenticity by adding beautiful emails to your workflows
- Improve conversion by combining SMS and email in powerful, automated campaigns
Save Time &
Boost Your Bottom Line
Marketing automation, if done right, saves immense amounts of time for teams. With workflow triggers, actions, and conditions, contacts can automatically enter new message tracks or have their data updated in our CRM.
- Save teams 20-30% of time with marketing automation
- Reduce data errors with marketing automation
- Improve engagement with personalized messaging via automation splits
View & Improve
It’s key to understand the performance of your workflows in real-time so you can make improvements and optimize messaging. Your conversion rate increases while the workload decreases.
- Improve workflow performance with campaign reporting
- Identify high-earning workflows with conversion reporting
- Track success by setting goals in your workflows
Core Features
Multichannel Workflows
Automate and combine SMS + Email in your campaigns
Contact Management
Workflows can automatically update contact details based on engagement
Advanced Reporting
Track the success of workflows or identify areas of improvement
Workflow Technology
Yes/No splits, triggers, conditions, actions - our workflows make SMS and email marketing easy and effective
Coversational Tools
All channels have two-way communication capabilities so you can handle responses and increase conversion
Data Segmentation
Workflows can either target data sets based on segments, or create new segments based on engagement
Integration Services
Through our certified integrations, allow IRIO to become the extension of your business that maximizes sales and savings potential
Sign-Up Forms
Enable leads or customers to enter your workflows automatically when they use our custom form builder
Keyword Entry
Enable leads to customers to enter your workflows when they text in a keyword to your phone number, hoping to join your program
“It is cost effective and IRIO has been one of the most effective marketing vehicles we have at Asset Living.”