August 18, 2016

Flooding the Valley: How to Enhance Giving

A hiker keeps only one thing in mind when climbing a mountain. The way is up. The path may vary, but the end always resides at the peak. You carry your feet through the grass, through the dirt, over logs, stone, passing light streams with little flow, but the higher you climb, the heavier the water grows. And when you reach the high ground, you realize that all of the melted snow rushes down, pouring from a place far up that overlooks the valley far down.

Donations are to non-profits what a snow-capped peak is to a valley. When the snow melts, think of the water as the donations filling the non-profit that in turn generates prosperity. And its journey to the valley is what you see moving around the trees, past the wildflowers, and over the scattered rock. A stream that winds and curves throughout the descent, possessing no flaw but its ill worry of time. In the non-profit world, these channels exist, multiple streams bearing donations of all sorts and sizes, but the most effective path, offering the greatest reliability and the least resistance does not make loops and turns, but instead, dives straight down.

So which donation channel dives straight down into the valley?

Mobile Donations

Mobile donations are by far the most alluring option for the individual donor because it offers a convenience that surpasses every other method. In the traditional sense, people are limited to their checkbooks, desktops or laptops, but with mobile they’re granted the ability to easily donate from anywhere on their smartphone, tablet or other mobile device.

Mobile Donations are innovative and enhance giving and revenue generation; however, there is one method that sets itself apart when it comes to immediacy and reliability. SMS/MMS (text messaging) stirs up 98% read rates and engagement rates 8X higher than email while 10X more effective than print.

Regular SMS/MMS giving allows individuals to text in a keyword (ex: “Donation” to 47464) and then receive a text message allowing them to donate. But with IRIO, text giving has taken a different path. Typically, the individual texts in and receives a link that redirects them to a donation webpage, but now all the donor has to do is text in a valued amount and hit send. Once they’ve filled out the payment information, all they have to do is text in the number to the keyword, respond “Y” to confirm, and then the donation has been made!




With a reengineered text-giving platform, you grant individuals access to a more simple, effective and easy way to donate to a cause worth funding, a valley worth feeding. You already know that donations are like water, where just one drop is worth the beat of a heart. And all of your water rests on the top of that mountain, where every second more and more of it makes the journey down the slope, carving through dirt and over stone, searching endlessly for the bottom. But now the channel is set, the foundations secure, and the path ready so that when the water comes, the valley can absorb the mountain’s giving life. Texting is not a prize of the past, it paves a way for the future, and if you give with a text message, that donation will retain its worth so it can fill something greater, something beautiful, something worth fighting for.


Feed the valley. Send a text message.